
This New World DAO is a medium for the emergent arts and sciences. We explore and nurture transition pathways for planetary flourishing through scholarship, creation, and synergy.

Our main goal is to organize and empower networks of avant-garde researchers, creators, and stakeholders whose work corresponds to the metacrisis or the evolution of planetary wisdom and lifestyle.

To learn more about our approach, visit our Strategy section. To become a member or contribute to one of our projects, visit the DAO Registry.

Photo of Dominic

Last Question: Why a DAO?

Emergence Agendas

Our focus on orienting civilization towards socioecological equilibria pushes us to explore emergent agendas which may meaningfully alter human understanding and social organization.

Emergence Agendas are research modules and innovation processes which dynamically work-in-public by distributing their findings in a transmedia ecosystem.

To review a listing of current emergent agendas, review our Projects Page.

DAO is an acronym for Decentralized-Autonomous-Organization. It is a novel style of horizontal organizational management which has emerged in the digital age. If governed well, it has the capacity to flatten hierarchies, increase self-authoring agency, foster autonomous collaborative initiatives, and improve information flows.

For more information on what a DAO is and how it works, watch this educational video from Hypha DAO.


The DAO was founded in May of 2023. What began as an idea has now sprouted to a first publication, various articles, a website, a DAO architecture, and a few contributors.

Since its inception, the research institute was thought of as a medium which could conduce an evolutionary paradigm of culture and knowledge.

The organization was first formed by Dominic Chequer, researcher, communicator, and new earth steward.

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